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PK 3-3

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Saved by Pam Merrill
on May 5, 2020 at 8:00:43 am

Oklahoma Academic Standard 3. The student will understand that history relates to events and people of other times and places. 

Objective 3.3 Use words and phrases. such as before and after, as they relate to chronology and time in order to explain how things change.

In a Nutshell

The initial steps to identifying causal relationships between two or more events can be encouraged by expecting students to use specific vocabulary related to such relationships. This understanding can lead to more complex understandings of how people and our environment change over time.   

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Provide opportunities for students to make simple timelines from given information and explain the relationship of events to one another using basic chronological phrases. 
  • Discuss possible reasons for an event or development related to the student’s life or the community in order to practice using basic chronological phrases. 

Key Concepts 


  • time, before and after, order of events

  • change, cause and effect 

  • Many students will mistakenly assume that if one event follows another in time, then the previous event must have been the cause of subsequent events.  

Instructional Resources

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