
PK 4-1

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 8 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 4. The student will identify basic economic concepts

Objective 4.1 Identify basic needs all people share.

In a Nutshell

A core concept in the study of economic principles is the fact that all humans possess basic needs for survival which must be met. Students should begin to examine their own personal needs for food, clothing, shelter, and safety in order to develop an understanding of the differences between wants and needs.  

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Provide opportunities for students to explain why people in the community trade goods and services with people in other communities in order to meet their basic needs.

  • With guidance and support, assist students to create a simple presentation using visual or multimedia tools to communicate their understanding of basic needs all people share. 

  • Discuss how the physical environment impacts our daily lives and affects human activities and basic needs. 

  • Describe freedom of choice when determining needs and wants.


Key Concepts 


  • needs, housing, food, clothing 
  • Many students confuse a need from a want and will require practice in identifying basic needs that all humans share. 

Instructional Resources

Access suggested instructional resources correlated to learning standard and objective.




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