
Grade PK Social Studies Content Standards

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 6 months ago


Kindergarten Content Standards

K.1 The student will exhibit traits of good citizenship.


K.1.1   Describe the importance of rules, personal responsibilities, and natural consequences as a member of a family, class, and school.

K.1.2   Identify ways to be an active member of the community.

K.1.3   Identify the United States Flag as a symbol of the country, explaining the stripes as symbols for the first states and the stars as symbols for the current states in our country.

K.1.4    Identify the purpose of the Pledge of Allegiance and explain appropriate flag etiquette.

K.1.5  Identify other important United States symbols including the Statue of Liberty located in New York Harbor. 

K.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic physical and human geographic concepts.

K.2.1   Explain that a globe is a model of the Earth and that a map is a drawing of a place; construct basic maps.

K.2.2   Identify basic cardinal directions and relative location terms.

K.2.3   Identify the shape of the state of Oklahoma on a map.

K.2.4   Explain that the school is part of a larger community and one’s community is within the state of Oklahoma.

K.2.5   Describe what makes one’s community alike or different than other communities. 

K.2.6   Describe family and community customs and traditions as basic elements of culture. 

Engage in Democratic Processes

Analyze and Address Authentic Civic Issues

Acquire, Apply, and

Evaluate Evidence

Read Critically and Interpret Informational Sources

Engage in Evidence-

Based Writing 

Pre-Kindergarten Content Standards

PK.1 The student will exhibit traits of good citizenship.


PK.1.1   Describe the importance of rules and personal responsibilities including working together to make decisions as a member of a family and classroom community.             

PK.1.2   Explain the need to respect the uniqueness of individuals in our class and community.

PK.1.3  Describe the concept of being a citizen.

PK.1.4   Identify the United States Flag as a symbol of the country.


PK.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic physical and human geographic concepts.

PK.2.1   Explain that a map is a drawing of a place.


PK.2.2   Use basic directional terms in relation to the student’s relative location.


PK.2.3   Describe a classroom as a community.


PK.2.4   Identify family customs and traditions as basic elements of culture.


PK.3 The student will understand that history relates to events and people of other times and places.   

PK.3.1   Explain history as things that happened in the past.


PK.3.2   Describe how we honor people and events of the past.


PK.3.3   Use words and phrases, such as before and after, as they relate to chronology and time in order to explain how things change.     


PK.3.4   Explain that lessons can be learned from the past.


PK.4 The student will identify basic economic concepts. 

PK.4.1   Identify basic needs all people share.


PK.4.2   Explain that people work to earn money to buy things they need and want.


PK.4.3   Explain how resources are used by people to meet their needs.


PK.4.4   Describe how various school personnel provide needed services.


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