
Grade 3 Social Studies Content Standards (redirected from Grade 3 Content Standards)

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 3 years ago


Engage in Democratic Processes 

Analyze and Address Authentic Civic Issues 

Acquire, Apply, and Evaluate Evidence 

Read Critically and Interpret Informational Sources 

Engage in Evidence-

Based Writing 

3rd Grade Content Standards

3.1 The student will analyze the traits of good citizens. 


3.1.1   Examine and determine the main purposes of Oklahoma’s state government and identify elected leaders of the state of Oklahoma and the three branches of government.

3.1.2   Explain that tribal governments in Oklahoma have a right to self-government known as sovereignty.

3.1.3   Describe the historical significance of the symbols of Oklahoma including the Oklahoma State Seal and the Oklahoma Flag; explain how the name of Oklahoma is derived from the Choctaw language.

3.1.4    Describe relationships between people and events of the past, including those commemorated on national, state, and community holidays.

3.1.5    Define the concept of civic virtue and responsibilities of the citizen at the local, state, and tribal levels, including respect for diversity. 

3.2 The student will examine Oklahoma’s geography and how people of Oklahoma interact with their environment.  


3.2.1   Examine Oklahoma’s political and physical features.

A. Identify the state of Oklahoma using relative location, absolute location (latitude and longitude), direction, scale, size, and shape using physical and political maps.

B. Interpret thematic maps of Oklahoma with the essential map elements of title, legend, scale, and directional indicators.

C.  Identify Oklahoma’s major landforms and bodies of water on a physical map.

D.  Identify Oklahoma’s major metropolitan centers and cities on a political map.

E.  Describe the climate and various natural vegetation zones found in Oklahoma.

F.  Identify the six states bordering Oklahoma on a map.

3.2.2   Examine the interaction of the environment and the peoples of Oklahoma.

A.  Describe how early American Indians used Oklahoma’s natural resources, such as bison hunting, fur trading, and farming.

B.  Describe how pioneers to Oklahoma adapted to and modified their environment, such as sod houses, windmills, and crops.

C.  Summarize how the weather and the environment have impacted the economy of Oklahoma in events such as the Dust Bowl, floods, and tornadoes.

D. Summarize how Oklahomans affect and change their environments such as the construction of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, creation of recreational lakes by the building of dams, irrigation of croplands, and the establishment of wildlife refuges.      

3.2.3   Identify the characteristics of renewable and non-renewable resources and evaluate the role of citizens in conserving natural resources.

3.3 The student will analyze the significant events and historic personalities contributing to the development of the state of Oklahoma. 

3.3.1   Understand and describe the relationship between historic events and chronology through the creation of basic timelines.

3.3.2   Read and interpret primary sources related to key events in Oklahoma’s past.

3.3.3   Describe American Indian pre-contact cultures that have inhabited what is now Oklahoma, such as the Spiro Mound Builders.                        

3.3.4   Identify cultural similarities and differences of the existing sovereign tribal nations in Oklahoma, especially those near the local community.

3.3.5   Describe early expeditions into Oklahoma such as those of Coronado, Washington Irving, and George Catlin.

3.3.6   Describe the migrations, settlements, relocations and forced removals of American Indians.

3.3.7   Describe cowboy life and cattle drives as typified by experiences along such routes as the Chisholm Trail and the impact of Mexican ranching traditions on the cattle industry and cowboy culture. 

3.3.8   Distinguish between the points of view of both American Indians and settlers regarding the opening of territories in Oklahoma for settlement.

3.3.9   Commemorate Statehood Day, November 16, as the joining of Indian and Oklahoma Territories. 

3.3.10   Describe the contributions of Oklahoma’s military personnel, including the Buffalo Soldiers, the code talkers, and the 45th Infantry.

3.3.11   Explain  how Oklahomans come together to help one another during difficult times, such as recovering from the bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building, exhibiting what has become the “Oklahoma Standard”. 

3.3.12   Examine notable historic and present-day Oklahomans utilizing biographies and information texts such as Jim Thorpe, Sequoyah, Will Rogers, Wiley Post, Mickey Mantle, Shannon Lucid, Bill Pickett, Clara  Luper, and Maria Tallchief.

3.4 The student will identify and describe basic economic activities creating prosperity in the state of Oklahoma. 

3.4.1   Compare differences among human, natural, and capital resources used to produce goods and services.

3.4.2   Summarize how the factors of scarcity and surplus and the laws of supply and demand of natural and human resources require people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services.

3.4.3   Examine how the development of Oklahoma’s major economic activities have contributed to the growth of the state, including, mining and energy industry, agriculture, aviation, tourism, tribal enterprises, and military installations.

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