
Grade 1 1-1

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 8 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 1.The student will analyze their role as a citizen in a community.

Objective 1.1 Describe the need for written laws and the main purpose of government, including the concept of consequences for one’s actions when a law or rule is violated.

In a Nutshell

Students should develop a basic understanding that a written law is important and that our nation operates through laws developed and implemented at different levels of government.  Students should also begin to explore the concept that different consequences exist and are designed to match the severity of the offense. This concept is a principle under which our system of justice is based.

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Assist students in discussing democratic principles such as fairness, equality, and respect for authority in order to explain the need for laws and the purpose of government.

  • Assist students in examining the need and purpose of rules and laws in various contexts, including the concept of consequences for one’s actions. 

  • Describe the basic structure of government at the local level.

  • Explain and provide examples of the consequences for violating laws in the community.


Key Concepts 


  •  government, consequences, principle of the rule of law

  •  concept of law and order, punishment

  •  respect for the law

  •  role of law enforcement officers and courts of law 

  • Because some students may have recognized that some people in the community seem to be above the law or never caught when they do something wrong, they might have the misconception that not everyone has to follow the rules. 

  • Because of family experiences or exposure to media, some students may believe that police officers are abusive of power or not to be trusted 

Instructional Resources

Access suggested instructional resources correlated to learning standard and objective.

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