
Grade 1 1-3

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 8 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 1. The student will analyze their role as a citizen in a community.

Objective 1.3 Explain patriotic traditions including The Pledge of Allegiance, describe appropriate flag etiquette and proper behavior during the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner.

In a Nutshell

Students should understand the importance of behaving respectfully regarding national traditions and symbols of our nation as one aspect of good citizenship. This objective requires students to consider the content of the Pledge of Allegiance and explain the purpose of a pledge. It also requires students to learn proper treatment of the American flag and to practice appropriate respect to our national anthem.  

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Provide students opportunities to work collaboratively in order to recognize connections between compelling and supporting questions which help answer essential questions such as “What is patriotism?”

  • Encourage students to practice inquiry skills by responding to various levels of open ended questions regarding how citizens can express patriotism appropriately. 

  • Acquire new academic vocabulary and relate new words to prior knowledge, including phrases from the pledge and our national anthem.

  • Identify the author’s purpose including what the author wants to explain or describe from primary sources such as the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner. 

Key Concepts 


  • national traditions, pledge, anthem, allegiance, loyalty, patriotism, flag etiquette, symbolism

  • Some students may feel that students who do not salute the flag are being unpatriotic when there are other ways to show respect.

  • Some students may think that standing and saluting is the only patriotic way to show respect during the pledge and national anthem.

Instructional Resources

Access suggested instructional resources correlated to learning standard and objective.

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