
Grade 3 3-12

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 8 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 3.  The student will analyze the significant events and historic personalities contributing to the development of the state of Oklahoma.

Objective 3.12 Examine notable historic and present-day Oklahomans utilizing biographies and information texts such as Jim Thorpe, Sequoyah, Will Rogers, Wiley Post, Mickey Mantle, Shannon Lucid, Bill Pickett, Clara Luper, and Maria Tallchief.

In a Nutshell

Our state’s history is full of memorable individuals who made significant contributions in such areas as the arts, sports, engineering, civil rights, and aerospace. Students should be given opportunities to examine the backgrounds and achievements of selected state heroes, as well as community leaders through the use of primary sources and biographical texts.

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Provide students with opportunities to explain and give examples of how individuals and groups have shaped significant historical changes in the community and state. 

  • Assist students to locate facts (e.g. who, what, where, when, why, and how) to demonstrate an understanding of key details in biographical texts.

  • Facilitate students in the creation of simple presentations, using audio, visual, and/or multimedia tools to communicate ideas and thoughts. 

  • Explain how people can work together to make decisions in their community and state. 

  • Compose informative written products, focusing on the facts about a topic, including a main idea with supporting details in order to demonstrate understanding of the contributions of famous Oklahomans.

  • Organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids.  

Key Concepts 


  • multiple reasons why individual Oklahomans are noted for their contributions and accomplishments, including civil rights, the arts, athletics, entertainment, literature, and aerospace

  • local leaders of the student's community

  • state and national leaders may include those beyond individuals provided in the learning objective, including Nazih Zuhdi, who advanced the transplant medicine field, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Wilma Mankiller, and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Carl Albert

  • Many students may not consider everyday, local individuals as "heroes" who made similar contributions to the development and progress of their community as the historical figures listed in the objective. 

  • Some students mistakenly associate "fame" with notoriety; however, the study of suggested Oklahomans will provide a broad perspective of how and individual's special talents can be used for the betterment or advancement of society. 

Instructional Resources

Access suggested instructional resources correlated to the learning standard and objective.

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