Grade 4 1-1
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by Pam Merrill 4 years, 3 months ago
Oklahoma Academic Standard 4. The student will describe the features of self-government and the role of citizens of the United States.
Objective 4.1 Describe the concepts of democracy and representative government, including the rule of law, equality, the common good, and individual rights. A. Explain the concept of civic responsibilities, including respect for the law, the necessity for compromise, civic participation, and public service. B. Understand the necessity of respect for diversity of the individual and diversity of groups comprising American society.
In a Nutshell
The United States government is a representative democracy whose authority lies in the hands of the citizens and one in which each individual owes various civic responsibilities. Students need to understand the freedoms they enjoy as well as their civic responsibilities as citizens of our country. It is important that students also realize the diversity of our society, the contributions and advantages of a diverse society, and the need for demonstrating respect for one another.
Teacher Action
Student Action
Assist students in identifying examples of civic virtues and democratic principles at work in the national setting.
Ask students to examine the purposes of government and laws, as stated in the Constitution of the United States.
Key Concepts
Civic responsibilities: value of compromise, civic participation in voting, serving public office, military service
Respect for the law and for the rights of others; respect and value of diversity in the American population
Principles of a democracy: equality, rule of law, common good, individual rights, civil liberties
representative democracy' elected officials, public will, limited government
Some students may lack prior knowledge of the difference between democracy and representative governments such as the American republic.
Many students may not understand the necessity of limitations on individual freedoms for the safety and well-being of the common good.
Most students will not have prior understanding of why and how the American republic attempts to limit the power of government authority in order to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals.
Instructional Resources
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Grade 4 1-1
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