Oklahoma Academic Standard 3. The student will evaluate the major political and economic events that transformed the land and its people from the outbreak of the Civil War through allotment and land openings.
Objective 3.5 Explain how American Indian nations lost control over tribal identity and citizenship through congressional action, including the Indian Reorganization Act.
In a Nutshell
Students should understand that increasing federal control over tribal affairs and identity based on the desire to incorporate land into the United States and decrease the influence of tribal governments negatively impacted the state of American Indian communities. Later attempts to rectify such damage took decades to come to fruition, but not before generations of American Indians were disenfranchised and denied their rights to tribal sovereignty.
Teacher Action
Student Action
Evaluate how multiple, complex events are shaped by unique circumstances of time and place, as well as broader historical contexts to explain the recognition of U.S. citizenship through congressional action.
Key Concepts
Indian Reorganization Act, Dawes Allotment Act, Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
forced submission to the allotment process according to the Dawes Allotment Act
tribal government submission to the jurisdiction of the federal government regarding tribal citizenship and land ownership
impact of World War I and passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 giving national citizenship to any American Indian yet to receive such status as a result of participating in the Dawes Allotment Act
impact of the New Deal and passage of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 beginning a return of tribal sovereignty
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