
OKH 4-5, 4-8 (redirected from OKH 4-5)

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 8 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 4. The student will analyze the formation of constitutional government in Oklahoma.

4.5  Compare Oklahoma’s state government to the national system of government including the branches of government, their functions, and powers.

4.8  Describe state constitutional provisions including the direct primary, initiative petition, referendum, and recall. 

In a Nutshell

Students should compare and understand that Oklahoma’s structure of government is modeled on the branches of the federal system, with elected and appointed officials whose responsibilities and authorities closely mirror the powers and functions of the United States government. Students should also describe the unique, progressive aspects of the state constitution which attempt to provide more direct participation in government.

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Provide opportunities for students to evaluate significant documents, such as the Oklahoma State Constitution and the Constitution of the United States, to compare civic principles. 

  • Assist students in evaluating the structure and power exercised by local, state, and national institutions on public policy. 

  • Analyze the impact of constitutions, including the concept of sovereignty, in order to maintain order.

  • Analyze historical, contemporary, and emerging means to promote the common good and protect individual rights.

Key Concepts 


  • Executive branch, governor as head of state, chief executive, Commander of the Oklahoma National Guard, governor and lieutenant governor on separate tickets; age and residency requirements, term of office; line-item veto power, judicial appointment, pardon and parole authority, emergency powers

  • Legislative Branch, bicameral structure, age requirements, term limitations, appropriations/budget authority, taxation, role of Speaker of the House, legislative sessions

  • Judicial Branch, appointment, elections to retain, and terms of office, Oklahoma Supreme Court as the court of last resort in all civil matters, Court of Criminal Appeals as the court of last resort involving all criminal matters, role of District Courts and Workers Compensation Court

  • Legislative Process,including bills versus resolutions, role of standing committees, public hearings, role of conference committee, actions by the Governor

  • Some students may have limited prior knowledge of the jurisdiction and authorities of tribal governments and their relationship to the state and national governments.

  • Most students should have background understanding of the nation's branches of government but limited understandings of how the state's system of separation of powers compares in structure and authority. 

Instructional Resources

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