
USH 7-2 E

Page history last edited by Pam Merrill 4 years, 6 months ago

Oklahoma Academic Standard 7. The student will analyze the causes and effects of significant domestic events and policies from 1945 to 1975.

Objective 7.2  Analyze the ongoing social and political transformations within the United States. 

  E. Compare the changing roles of women from the post-war era through the 1970s, including the goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement and the National Organization of Women under the leadership of Betty Friedan, various debates on the Equal Rights Amendment, and the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade.

In a Nutshell

The 1970’s saw women’s role in society and government evolve into a more substantial voice and presence. Similar to the Women’s suffrage movement of earlier eras, different organizations operated under different agendas, yet most women sought equality to male counterparts in economic, legal, and social rights. Students should understand that the right to vote had only been the beginning; during this period, women sought equality in the workplace and freedom regarding reproductive rights.

Teacher Action 

Student Action 

  • Assist students to develop, investigate and evaluate plausible answers to essential questions that reflect enduring understandings across time and all disciplines. 

  • Provide student opportunities to engage in a range of deliberative and democratic processes to develop strategies to address authentic, real-world problems in the community and out-of-school contexts. 

  • Analyze historic documents related to issues of women's rights to evaluate the authors’ points of view, potential bias, and how authors can reach different conclusions regarding the same issue.  

  • Analyze historical, contemporary, and emerging means to promote the common good and protect individual rights.

Key Concepts 


  • Gloria Steinem, Phyllis Schlafly, Shirley Chisholm

  • impact of publication of The Feminine Mystique

  • feminist movement 

  • calls for reforms on issues such as reproduction rights, domestic violence, equal pay, and sexual harassment 

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  • Some students may not easily make connections between the first and second waves of feminism and women's rights struggles bridging the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • Many students will have limited knowledge of the status of the Equal Rights Amendment as an ongoing process. 

Instructional Resources

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